Financing and paying for your aeronautical training
Financing and paying for your aeronautical training
Financing and managing your aeronautical training with OpsForm
OpsForm understands that financing your training can be an important consideration, especially in the context of your future career. That's why we offer a range of financing options tailored to the different professions in the ground-based aeronautics and airport industry.
Our training courses can be financed in a number of ways. Our team is at your disposal to advise you on the various financing options available to you, depending on your specific profession, and to help you with the necessary administrative formalities.
Public funding - Pôle emploi
Pôle Emploi, a government agency, can help you with your training needs by offering financing solutions for jobseekers. Because everyone should have access to training, we offer training courses accessible to jobseekers. This means you can benefit from training financed up to 100%.
How can I finance my training if I'm unemployed?
Individual training assistance (AIF)
- Be registered with Pôle Emploi
- Objective is to promote professional integration or reintegration
- 1500€ ceiling
- Training must be related to a professional project
- The training must lead to certification and be listed in the catalog of training courses eligible for AIF financing.
Pre-recruitment training action (AFPR)
- Help for employers to finance training before hiring a job seeker on a 6 to 12-month contract
- The aim is to help you acquire the professional skills you need before taking up your new job.
- It is aimed at jobseekers registered with Pôle emploi, whether or not they are receiving benefits.
- Can pay for up to 400 hours of training
Individual operational preparation for employment (POEI)
- Help for employers to finance pre-employment training (minimum 12-month contract)
- POEI can cover up to 400 hours of training
- It is aimed at jobseekers or those benefiting from CRP/CTP (Contrat de Reclassement Professionnel / Contrat de Transition Professionnel) or Contrat de Sécurisation Professionnelle (Contrat for Professional Security) support.
Regional Training Program (PRF)
- These are group training courses purchased by the Regional Council.
- They are aimed at jobseekers, whether or not they are registered on the jobseekers' list.
- Financing available for all group training courses purchased by the Conseil Régional based on the region's skills needs.
How do I apply?
There are no prerequisites for entry into the training program. An authorized prescriber (Pôle Emploi, Mission Locale, Centre d'Information des Droits des Femmes et de la Famille, Cap Emploi, Conseil Général, Chargés de mission VAE Formation) validates your project and prescribes the qualification or certification that suits you.
For more details on SPRF training courses, visit
Your jobseeker advisor prescribes the training course with the relevant training organization. They will then contact you to invite you to attend a group information meeting and/or an individual interview.
If you're interested in this financing option, an OpsForm consultant will be happy to tell you more. We look forward to hearing from you.
Public funding - Agefiph
The aim of training assistance as part of the pathway to employment is to enable a disabled person to acquire the skills necessary for lasting access to employment.
To qualify for this funding, disabled jobseekers must :
- Be registered or not with Pôle Emploi when the duration of the training exceeds 40 hours
- Be registered with Pôle emploi if the duration of the training is less than 40 hours
Depending on the type of training, Agefiph may cover the remuneration or social security costs.
If you're interested in this financing option, an OpsForm consultant will be happy to tell you more. We look forward to hearing from you.
OPCO FIFPL Public funding - OPCO (Opérateurs de Compétences)
OPCOs are bodies responsible for collecting contributions from companies in the field of vocational training. They play an essential role in financing employee training. If you are currently employed, your company can contribute to the financing of your training by paying contributions to the OPCO corresponding to your sector of activity. The OPCO can then cover all or part of the cost of your training.
To benefit from this financing, you need to contact your human resources department or your employer to find out about the procedures to follow with the OPCO of your professional branch.
Public funding - FIFPL (Fonds Interprofessionnel de Formation des Professions Libérales) :
FIFPL is an organization specifically dedicated to the liberal professions. If you work in a liberal profession (e.g. doctor, lawyer, consultant), FIFPL can help you finance your professional training. It can cover part of your training costs.
To benefit from this funding, you must be affiliated to FIFPL as a self-employed professional, and comply with FIFPL's specific funding application criteria and procedures. Contact FIFPL for detailed information on how to apply for funding.
Public funding - AIRE (Aide individuelle à la Reprise ou à la Création d'Entreprise) :
AIRE is a financial aid scheme for jobseekers wishing to set up or take over a business. If you have an entrepreneurial project and are unemployed, AIRE can provide you with financial support to make your project a reality.
Eligibility conditions and application procedures may vary from region to region, as the AIRE is often managed by local authorities. To find out more about AIRE and how to benefit from its financing, you can contact your local Mission Locale, Pôle Emploi or the relevant regional services.
In summary, there are various sources of funding for learners, including Pôle Emploi, Missions Locales, OPCO (if you're employed), FIFPL (if you're a self-employed professional), and AIRE (if you have an entrepreneurial project). Each of these funding sources has its own eligibility criteria and application procedures, so be sure to check the details specific to your situation and region.
Carte Bleue payment - Payment in 4 instalments free of charge
If you don't want to use external funds to finance your training with OpsForm, you can finance it with your own funds. We have set up payment facilities so that you can finance your training with peace of mind.
We allow you to pay in 4 instalments, free of charge.
If you're interested in this financing option, an OpsForm consultant will be happy to tell you more. We look forward to hearing from you.
The advantages of OpsForm
Choosing OpsForm means choosing to learn with a human-sized organization and trainers who are close to you and recognized in their fields.